Drawn towards the art and craft of music-making since childhood, Austin Z knew that he would pursue music as a long-term career option and profession. Hustling hard and learning the tips and tricks of music-making, Austin Z honed his musical skills and expertise. In no time, he mastered all of his musical aspects and emerged as one of the most prominent music artists in his local community.
His popularity among the masses has doubled in the last couple of years and made him one of the most seek and sought-after singers in the country. Striking the right chord in the hearts of the audiences has enabled him to garner more love, fame and recognition and develop and loyal fan base of followers.
With the objective of delivering something different and unique, Austin Z wants to provide a seamless listening experience to all of his fans and followers by creating many soulful tracks.
This rising talent is not your average performer, his determination, perseverance, and diligence, are all ambitious forces in his life, allowing him to return to the studio with bigger walls to break and new limits to crush.
Hearing others say they can’t do something well crushes most people’s spirits. The desire for external approval has suffocated many dreams before they ever begin. Chasing the spotlight has never been the aim for budding artist Austin Z. In fact, proving that he can execute his dreams without bending the knee to the pressure of mainstream appeal has only served as a catalyst to further fortify his independent workmanship and drive.
Austin Z has been on a special musical journey and wishes to scale more heights of success going forward, setting high benchmarks for millions to follow and pursue.