In the United States of America, the production and use of asbestos have been banned for more than four decades now. So, you wouldn’t find this toxic material in any of the new buildings. Most of the asbestos found in buildings today belongs to the older structures. Fireproofing, thermal insulation, floors, ceilings, roofing, wiring and surfaces on the wall are some of the most common places where you will find asbestos in these old buildings.
If you are looking for asbestos removal or asbestos abatement Vancouver service provider, you should always hire an experienced and professional agency. The trained team will be well-equipped to remove all asbestos fibers properly before they spread in the air you breathe. When you continue to inhale airborne asbestos fibers, or get exposed to asbestos for a long time, you may be prone to ailments like asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer, blockages in the internal lining of the stomach, lung, or heart, and more.
What to do when you spot asbestos in your building?
When you want to get your property or building checked for asbestos, you should request a good asbestos removal company to send a licensed inspector to inspect your property thoroughly. After the check, the inspector will give you a detailed report on the extent of asbestos found in your building.
Once you provide this report to your asbestos removal Vancouver company, it will then come up with the complete plan on getting your property entirely rid of asbestos.
Before we get into telling you some of the basic steps involved in the process of asbestos removal, you have to remember one important point. Always choose only experienced asbestos removal companies, as they are well-aware of the local laws and approvals. They also send an expert and trained team to your building to remove asbestos completely and dispose of it safely to keep all risks at bay.
Basic steps in the removal of asbestos
- Being aware of the plan
The asbestos removal company should have a clear plan of removal in place, before it starts the work. What are the areas to be treated? How to prep up the area? What are the local rules to be followed in removing and cleaning asbestos? Answers to all these questions should be there in the plan.
- Differentiating the area of work from the rest of the building
Once the team knows the area it needs to work on, the area is clearly demarcated. It instructs the inmates of the property to leave the property and bans their entry into the area where work is going on.
- Making all the prep for the work to begin
The area that is not being treated for asbestos should be sealed and protected well from the area of asbestos. Sealing of ducts and disabling of HVAC systems happens in this process.
- Actual removal of asbestos
Contractors will wear protective clothing and remove asbestos using hand tools and other methods, as necessary.
- Careful and safe cleaning
Vacuums using HEPA filtration are used to ensure all smooth asbestos fibers in the air are sucked out completely. Cleverly designed disposal bags with decontamination units are used for disposing of asbestos.