With the recent rise of scrap metal prices, many people are looking for ways to make money off their old cars. One of the most popular methods is to take it into a scrap yard or recycling facility that will pay cash on-site. However, this may not be the safest way as some facilities have been known to offer lower prices than they advertise.
At Scrap Car Removal Toronto, we offer our customers free quotes before processing any work. This ensures that you get paid what you deserve for your car without being taken advantage of by unscrupulous companies claiming they’ll give you more money for it than they actually do after taking it apart in their backyards. Our facilities are secure and go through strict inspections by the city of Toronto.
We also assure you that your car will be recycled responsibly, ensuring that it won’t just become landfill waste or turned into another vehicle’s part contrary to some companies’ claims. We follow all environmental protection laws in Canada to do our part in making the earth a greener place. Most scrapyards will not care about how they process cars. You can rest assured that your old car will be disposed of properly if it comes into our shops for recycling. The Best Scrap Car Buyer in the City of Toronto

Scrap Car Toronto Shop is an auto recycling company that offers cash for junk cars. We are your best choice because we pay the most money for old, rusted or damaged vehicles. We do this by ensuring that you get paid the right amount at every visit without taking advantage of you by paying less than what your car is worth. We always have a lot of people asking for more money so we have to ensure that you get the best value for your car.
We offer free quotes on every single type of vehicle, no matter how badly it is damaged. In fact, more often than not, our prices are significantly higher than other scrapyards in Ontario who will not even bother to get back to you after you leave them your contact information. We will beat their prices, period.
As for our transactions, we offer cash on-site or bank transfer so that you can immediately get the money to spend on anything else. It does not matter if your car is already missing several parts because we are interested in the whole vehicle. This way, you won’t have to spend time and money looking for parts. We will give you a quote on the spot and buy your car immediately so that it can go through our special scrap metal recycling process right away and be recycled in the best possible way.

If you want more money for your junk car while working with the best dealers in the city, then you should always come to us first! Don’t settle for low offers from other companies who will not guarantee their quotes and who take too long to make a deal.
Our facility is open from 9 AM to 7 PM every single day of the year except on national holidays. We have several branches all across Toronto so you can rest assured that we will always be able to see you as soon as possible. Come and get a quote from us now.
Scrap Car Toronto Shop is located in Brampton, Ontario. We pay cash for used cars that are not running and those with no title in all of the Greater Toronto Area, including Mississauga, Etobicoke, Richmond Hill, Scarborough, Ajax, Barrie, and more.